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ezQuake macros

$ammointegerreturns amount of ammo held for currently selected weapon
$armorintegerreturns current armor value
$armortypestringreturns current armor type
related cvars: tp_name_armortype_ga, tp_name_armortype_ya, tp_name_armortype_ra, tp_name_armortype_none
$bestammointegerreturns ammo held for the 'best' weapon
related cvars: tp_weapon_order
$bestweaponstringreturns name of best weapon in inventory
related cvars: tp_weapon_order, tp_name_sg, tp_name_ssg, tp_name_ng, tp_name_sng, tp_name_gl, tp_name_rl, tp_name_lg
$cam_anglesstringreturns current camera angles, in format that can be passed to /cam_angles command.
$cam_angles_pitchfloatreturns current camera pitch (vertical angle).
$cam_angles_rollfloatreturns current camera roll (not used).
$cam_angles_yawfloatreturns current camera yaw (horizontal angle).
$cam_posstringreturns current camera position, in format that can be passed to /cam_pos command.
$cam_pos_xfloatreturns one component of current camera position.
$cam_pos_yfloatreturns one component of current camera position.
$cam_pos_zfloatreturns one component of current camera position.
$cellsintegerreturns number of cells held, regardless of weapon selected
$colored_armorstringreturns $armor, surrounded by color codes so it is displayed in &c0b0red&r, &cff0yellow&r, &e00green&r or &cfffwhite&r
$connectiontypestringreturns the current type of the connection
$datestringreturns the current date in the format <day>.<month>.<year>
$demolengthintegerreturns the expected length of the current demo, in seconds
$demonamestringreturns the name of the current demo, minus extension
$demoplaybackbooleanreturns whether or not the client is current watching a demo
$droplocstringreturns the name of the location where the last backpack was dropped by the current player.
$droptimeintegerreturns the number of seconds since the last backpack was dropped by the current player.
$gamedirstringreturns the current gamedir, which is often set when a server is running a mod. e.g: 'fortress' for Team Fortress mods
$healththe current player's health (0 - 250)
$nailsintegerreturns number of nails held, regardless of weapon selected
$qtreturns " - useful to clear cvars in scripts
$rocketsintegerreturns number of rockets held, regardless of weapon selected
$shellsintegerreturns number of shells held, regardless of weapon selected
$timestringreturns the local time in the format <hours>:<minutes>
$tp_powerupsboolean$colored_powerups or $colored_short_powerups, depending on value of tp_poweruptextstyle
related cvars: tp_poweruptextstyle

Qizmo macros

You can use Qizmo teamplay %-functions in ezQuake, e.g. %l - location, %a - armor, %b - best weapon, etc.

%AstringArmour type.
%bstringBest Weapon and Ammo.
%cstringHow many cells (ammo) you have.
%dstringWhere you last died.
%estringNumber of enemies in your vicinity. (shows up as 'x' for you, but as a number for your teammates).
%EstringSame as %e but remembers the situation 5 seconds after death. (shows up as 'x' for you, but as a number for your teammates).
%gstringSoon appearing powerups (15 sec) or 'quad' if none or timers off
%hstringCurrent Health.
%istringName and location of item you last picked up.
%jstringName and location of item you last pointed to (%x at %y).
%kstringName and location of item you last picked up or pointed to.
%lstringNearest location from .loc file (or 'someplace' if none found).
%LstringSame as %l but remembers the situation 5 secs after death, then reports your current location.
%mstring%k if less than 5 secs ago, nearest item otherwise
%nstringWill only send the message to teammates in your vicinity.
%NstringHides the message from you.
%ostringNumber of teammates in vicinity.
%OstringSame as %o but remembers the situation 5 seconds after death.
%pstringPowerups you have (quad, pent, ring, flag)
%qstringPowerups of last seen enemy.
%rstringLast reported location (%l).
%sstringEnemy led status.
%tstring%x at %y
%ustringwhat you need (see need menu)
%wstringWeapon in Hand and Ammo you have.
%xstringName of object/teammate you are looking at.
%XstringName of object you took. (remembers for 15 seconds)
%ystringLocation of object you are looking at.
%YstringLocation of item you took. (remembers for 15 seconds)
%zstringnearest waypoint, based on the direction you are looking to
%Zstringnearest waypoint, based on the direction you are moving to


The format of each variable can be set by specifying a format string. For example:


Will print the standard %l value, but taking 20 characters, right-aligned.

To set the default formats for each %-function without specifying each time, set user-cvars:

tp_length_l 10
tp_align_l r